Viam SDK topic
Viam SDK
Smart machines on smart devices.
- AppRobotClient Viam SDK
- gRPC client for connecting to app's RobotService.
- AuthenticatedChannel Viam SDK
- A channel that attaches an access token to gRPC metadata for every call
- Credentials Viam SDK
- The credentials used for connecting to the robot
- DialOptions Viam SDK
- Describes the behavior for connecting to a robot
- DialWebRtcOptions Viam SDK
- Options specific for connecting over WebRTC
- Discovery Viam SDK
- Represents the result of a discovery query.
- DiscoveryQuery Viam SDK
- Represents a discovery query in the SDK to query for discoverable components.
- MimeType Viam SDK
- Mime types supported by Viam
- Position Viam SDK
- PowerState Viam SDK
- ProvisioningClient Viam SDK
- gRPC client for connecting to Viam's Provisioning Service
- Registry Viam SDK
- The global registry of robot resources.
- Resource Viam SDK
- Abstract class that defines the base functionality for all Resource types
T extends Resource> Viam SDK - An object representing a resource to be registered.
T extends Client> Viam SDK - Abstract class that defines the base functionality for all RPC clients for resources
- RobotClient Viam SDK
- gRPC client for a Robot. This class should be used for all interactions with a robot.
- RobotClientOptions Viam SDK
- The options that define the behavior of the RobotClient.
- StreamClient Viam SDK
- A client to manage a camera's WebRTC stream.
- Subtype Viam SDK
- Subtype defines a triplet of strings that correspond to a resource's specific API definition.
- Viam Viam SDK
- An object to interact with the Viam app
- ViamAuthorization Viam SDK
- ViamImage Viam SDK
A custom image type that contains the
, raw image data, and lazily loads and caches animg.Image
- resourceNamespaceRDK → const String Viam SDK
- {@category Viam SDK} The standard namespace for Viam resources (rdk)
- resourceTypeComponent → const String Viam SDK
- {@category Viam SDK} The standard type for component resources (component)
- resourceTypeService → const String Viam SDK
- {@category Viam SDK} The standard type for service resources (service)
- Accuracy = GetAccuracyResponse Viam SDK
- AnalogValue = ReadAnalogReaderResponse Viam SDK
- BaseProperties = GetPropertiesResponse Viam SDK
- CameraProperties = GetPropertiesResponse Viam SDK
- The camera's supported features and settings
- CloudMetadata = GetCloudMetadataResponse Viam SDK
- Current = GetCurrentResponse Viam SDK
- MotorProperties = GetPropertiesResponse Viam SDK
- Properties = GetPropertiesResponse Viam SDK
- Tick = StreamTicksResponse Viam SDK
- Tick of a digital interrupt
- VisionProperties = GetPropertiesResponse Viam SDK
- The vision service's supported features and settings
- Voltage = GetVoltageResponse Viam SDK